日期: 30/09/2022
中學數學閱讀報告比賽 (2021/22)
4C 徐同學 表揚獎 得奬報告書名 “數學,為什麼是現在這樣子?:一門不教公式,只講故事的數學課”
4C 莊同學 二等獎 得奬報告書名 “澡堂裡遇見阿基米德 : 生活中的有趣數學”
4C 謝同學 二等獎得奬報告書名 “澡堂裡遇見阿基米德 : 生活中的有趣數學”
Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools
The result of the Mathematics Book Report Competition organized by the Mathematics Education Section of the Education Bureau has been released. Through the competition, students' interest in learning Mathematics is promoted and students' generic skills through reading are developed. In the fierce competition among schools, three students have won the valuable awards.
Congratulations to 4C MISS TSUI for winning the Appreciation Award, her book report is “數學,為什麼是現在這樣子?:一門不教公式,只講故事的數學課”, and 4C MISS CHONG and 4C MISS TSE for winning the Second Class Prize, their book reports are both “澡堂裡遇見阿基米德 : 生活中的有趣數學”.