香港教育大學每月數學難題獲奬 (2023 3月及4月)
日期: 02/06/2023
香港教育大學每月數學難題獲奬 (2023 3月及4月)
恭喜4C班謝同學獲得由香港教育大學數學與資訊科技學系舉辦的每月數學難題高中組1奬項,謝同學表現出色,分別在2023年3 月及4月都能獲得殊榮,並獲香港教育大學頒發書劵400元以作鼓勵。
Congratulations to J. Xie of Class 4C for archieving the Senior Form Award (March & April 2023) in Math Challenges organized by the department of Mathematics and Information Technology of the Education University of Hong Kong. He was awarded $ 400 coupon for taking part in this competition. Congratulation!