日期: 18/11/2021
第三十屆頒獎典禮已於二零二一年十一月十二日 ( 星期五 )順利舉行,本校有幸邀得校友姚宇樑先生蒞臨主禮、授憑及致訓辭。因應疫情影響,是次實體頒獎典禮以閉門形式進行,只接受受邀人士出席,但典禮在錄影後會透過YouTube發放給各個持份者,讓家長、畢業的同學及關懷本校的人士一同參與盛事。本年的規模雖與以往略有不同,但莊嚴氣氛不減。
頒獎禮於下午二時於學校禮堂舉行。先由姚寶琼校長作校務報告,回顧去年學生在學業和活動上的成就,寄望學生繼續奮發自勉,成績更上層樓。姚校長匯報後,主禮嘉賓校友姚宇樑先生頒獎及致訓辭。姚校友鼓勵同學訂定長期目標,及早作出人生規劃,珍惜求學的時光,努力為理想打拼,相信日後定能為社會作出貢獻。他的一番金石良言,實在令眾同學獲益良多。頒獎環節完結後,由學生代表中六丁班何敏婷同學致謝辭,感激一眾老師的悉心栽培。接着是同學表演助興節目。梁文倩同學先為嘉賓朗誦詩詞《蟾宫曲﹒送春》及《東郊》,緊接的是中一級楊愷謙同學及楊柏韜同學表演英文朗誦,題目為《Elephant》。隨後本校舞蹈組同學劉勵亭、譚悅琪及黃凱廸表演節拍強勁的《Keep on Dancing》,現場氣氛亦隨之升溫。
最後本校合唱團演出《Simple Gifts》及領唱校歌,各項表演均十分精彩,贏得全場熱烈掌聲,為頒獎禮劃下完美句號。
Our 30th Prize Giving Day took place on Friday, 12th November 2021. Our guest of honor was our alumni Mr. Gary Yiu, Head of Risk Management Department. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic this years’ ceremony had to be held in-house and on scaled back terms to ensure and to comply with health and safety measures. However, on a positive note the ceremony was recorded and can be viewed on our school’s webpage later. We strongly encourage our students to share the recorded event with their parents and loved ones. Although the event was scaled back and slightly different from previous years, the atmosphere was solemn and celebratory. The Prize Giving Day started promptly at 2pm with the opening speech of our principal Ms. Yiu who gave praise to the successful academic year and all the different activities and competitions the students signed up for and participated in. Ms. Yiu and all academic staff are hopeful that our students will continue to strife for the best results academically and otherwise in the future. This was followed by the actual prize giving of certificates and other outstanding awards. After that, our guest of honor, Mr. Gary Yiu gave a memorable speech to our students to set up long-term goals and to plan ahead for the future. Most importantly, he encouraged students to enjoy their school life and everything it has to offer and to be successful in life. In addition, our Head Girl, Ho Man Ting from 6D gave a massive vote of thanks to TKOGSS. This was followed by a variety of performances such as Chinese solo verse speaking and an English poetry performance ‘Elephant’. Further activities included a modern dance show by the members of the Dance Club named ‘Keep on Dancing’. The highlight of the Prize Giving Day was a Chinese music concert with traditional Chinese instruments. Finally, the school choir delighted the audience with a song called ‘Simple Gifts’ and finished the event with the school song. The audience appreciated every single piece and gave a huge applause at the end. Overall, the ceremony was a huge success.