日期: 02/12/2022
將軍澳官立中學第31屆頒獎典禮已經於2022年12月2日(星期五)圓滿舉行。當天,學校禮堂座無虛席,賓客滿堂;有來自不同專業背景的嘉賓和校友、全體教職員、獲獎學生、畢業生和中四全級學生等。是次頒獎典禮的嘉賓包括學校管理委員會主席林思閒女士、主禮嘉賓陳洪楷先生、家長教師會主席楊月明女士和校友會主席李宛霖先生等。伴隨著將軍澳官立中學即將踏入 35 週年校慶,校園每個角落都充滿了歡愉的氣氛。
頒獎典禮由姚校長激勵人心的開幕致辭中展開。她讚揚將中經歷了一個成功的學年,學生在艱難的學習環境下仍堅毅學習和積極參與不同的活動,讓身心健康成長。姚校長和所有教職員工都期盼我們的學生未來在學術和非學術領域繼續努力爭取佳績,回饋社會,報答祖國。在姚校長的校務報告後,便是為我們的優秀學生頒發證書和獎杯環節。頒獎環節完成後,我們的主禮嘉賓,校友陳洪楷先生發表了令人難忘的演講。他以自身的成功故事,鼓勵學生訂定遠大目標,積極向上,並為未來做好規劃;更重要的是他鼓勵學生享受學校生活和感恩學校為他們盡心提供的一切。他最後更祝願師弟妹在生活中取得成功。陳先生演講後,中六丁班李家揚同學代表中六級發表畢業謝辭。李同學是今年的總領袖生,也是全級第一名,實在是同學的楷模。為了答謝嘉賓的出席,緊接著是同學精彩的表演。中二丁楊柏麒同學以英文獨誦謝爾西爾弗斯坦的詩“Jimmy Jet and His TV Set”,中二丙劉穎潼同學獨誦一首關於中國茶文化的散文《茶》,舞蹈團同學表演新疆地區傳統舞蹈《石榴紅了》,還有弦樂小組和中樂團分別演奏《Canon in D》及《中國人》。最後,學校合唱團以《Proud of You》贈予所有出席的同學及嘉賓,並與全校師生合唱校歌為典禮畫上了圓滿的句號。儀式完結後,各人在地下有蓋操場拍照留念,為本年度的畢業典禮畫上了圓滿的句號。
Our 31st Prize Giving ceremony took place on Friday, 2nd December 2022. The list of our guest of honors included the SMC chairlady Ms Lam Si-hang, the chairlady of the Parent-Teacher Association Ms. Yeung Yuet-ming and the chairman of the Alumni Association Mr. Joseph Lee. This years’ ceremony was attended by guests and alumnus from various professional backgrounds, other guests from the general public, our Form Four students and selected students and all teachers. We strongly encouraged our students to share the recorded event with their parents and loved ones. The general atmosphere was celebratory and of a festive one as TKGOSS approaches its 35th anniversary. The Prize Giving ceremony started with the opening speech of our Principal Ms. Yiu who gave praise to another successful academic year and all the different activities the students signed up for and participated in. Principal Ms. Yiu and all academic staff are hopeful that our students will continue to strife for the best results in their academic and also non-academic endeavors in the future. This was followed by the actual prize giving of certificates and trophies for our outstanding students. After that, our guest of honor, Mr. Laurence Chan our alumni gave a memorable speech to our students to set up long-term goals and to plan ahead for the future. Most importantly, he encouraged students to enjoy their school life and everything it has to offer and to be successful in life. He brought a lot smiles onto the faces of our students and teachers with his interactive and witty presentation. In addition, our student Head Boy Lee Ka- yeung from 6D gave a massive vote of thanks to TKOGSS as his school life will come to an end very soon and he will embark on the next phase in his life.
This was followed by a variety of performances such as English solo verse speaking presented by Yeung Pak-ki from 2D with a poem by Shel Silverstein named ‘Jimmy Jet and His TV Set’. Another Chinese solo prose ‘Tea’ about the Chinese tea culture was performed by Lau Wing-tung from Form 2C. Further activities included a traditional dance from the Xinjiang region by an all-female dance troupe. Further highlights of the Prize Giving ceremony were the performances by the String team and the Chinese orchestra. Finally, the school choir delighted the audience with a song called ‘Proud of You’ and finished the event with the TKOGSS school song. The audience appreciated every single piece and gave a huge applause at the end. Overall, the ceremony was a huge success. A photo-taking session took place in the covered playground on the ground floor and well wishes were exchanged to conclude the afternoon.