關愛校園獎勵計劃「逆境新常態 校園顯關愛」
日期: 06/07/2022
學校參加由香港基督教服務處舉辦,教育局協辦的2021年度關愛校園獎勵計劃「逆境新常態 校園顯關愛」,計劃的目的旨在表揚積極推廣及實踐關愛文化,本校最後獲頒「2021年度『關愛校園』榮譽學校。
Our school participated in the 2021 Caring School Award Scheme organized by the Hong Kong Christian Service and co-organized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. The purpose of the scheme is to commend schools that actively promote and practice a caring culture and an outstanding performance, and finally won the award "2021 "Care for Campus" Honors School.