
日期: 25/07/2022


30 名中四及中五同學參加由青協創意教育組舉辦的 STEM 工作坊。 同學們通過搜集和分析纖維和毛髮認識了衣物鑑證的原理、程序和搜集證據的技巧。參與工作坊的同學都很投入這次活動,亦對鑑證科學有了更深入的了解。同學們都十分珍惜這一次寶貴的學習經驗。

A taste of Forensic Science- Fibre Analysis Workshop

30 S4 and S5 students joined a STEM workshop conducted by the Creative Eduction Unit of HKFYG. They had a chance to experience Forensic Science through analyzing fibre. They learnt the history of forensic science, inspection of scene of crime and the collection of evidence. They analyzed different fibres under a microscope and carried out forensic identification of hair and fibres. They enjoyed the workshop and had an interesting lesson about forensic science.